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Opis proizvoda

Thomastik-Infeld JAZZ SWING SET JS110T. This is the legendary flatwound jazz guitar string! A list of its players reads lika a Jazz Hall of Fame and it's still the undisputed king of flatwounds. For many of today's jazz greats. A true flatwound (not a "ground wound" or "compressed wound" like some of the pretenders) with glassy smooth polished nickel winding on a round core, it has the perfect balance of fundamental to overtones required for traditional jazz. Some players claim that its mellow, powerful tones actually improve with age!

Tehničke specifikacije proizvoda

  • SET JS110T extra light
  • P10T E, plain steel, tin plated, 0.010, 0.26, 17.20, 7.80
  • P14T B, plain steel, tin plated, 0.014, 0.36, 18.30, 8.30
  • JS23 D, nickel flat wound, 0.023, 0.58, 18.10, 8.20
  • JS33 A, nickel flat wound, 0.033, 0.83, 18.10, 8.20
  • JS44 E, nickel flat wound, 0.044, 1.12, 18.70, 8.50